
What does private mean at package level in Scala 3?


  • private declarations at a top-level scope of a package in Scala 3 are equivalent to a private[pkg] in other contexts.
  • They are accessible to everything within the package and its subpackages, but nothing else.

In Scala 2, to place a declaration at the "package" level, one would define a "package object":

package top

package object pkg {
  private val Hush = 0
  val Loud = Int.MaxValue

Given this

  • one might refer to Loud from anywhere with fully-qualified name top.pkg.Loud
  • import top.pkg._ would pick it up
  • inside the package top.pkg one coul refer to it simply as Loud

So far, so intuitive.

In Scala 2, the semantics of private val Loud was also intuitive. A package object is just an object. A private member of an object is only visible within that object's scope. While the Scala compiler does some magic to make nonprivate declarations more broadly visible, access to private members of the package object was restricted to the object in the ordinary way.

But Scala 3 introduces "naked" top-level declarations, which I find I use constantly.

So the declarations above might translate to:

package top.pkg

private val Hush = 0
val Loud = Int.MaxValue

There is no object scope! So what does private even mean in this context.

I could imagine four possibilities:

  1. private to a virtual object scope constituted of all top-level declaraions
  2. private to the top-level of the current compilation unit (i.e. file)
  3. private to the current compilation unit (including nested scopes)
  4. private to the package as a whole, i.e. the same as private[pkg]

Playing around, it looks like #4 is the winner.

A private top-level declaration seems visible to any code in the package, even if defined in other files or directories. It is visible from anywhere in the pkg or subpackages of pkg.

So now I know! And so do you!