➣ This post is expected to evolve over time. You can subscribe to ongoing updates here.
I want to do a lot of things with RSS that require extensions of RSS (as the RSS spec foresees).
The URL http://tech.interfluidity.com/xml/iffy/
will mark an XML namespace in which some of these extensions will be defined.
The conventional prefix associated with this namespace will be iffy
The current version of this namespace is v0.0.1-SNAPSHOT
signifies that the version preceding that suffix has not yet been finalized. Much more to come!)
Table of Contents
Solely a channel level element
Contains one of the following four values:
describes the completeness that clients should expect of RSS item
makes the least commitment. Items need not include aguid
element, or any elements at all beyond RSS' requirement that at least one oftitle
be present. RSS documents have completionPing
by default. Any or all items may meet the requirement for a higher completeness level, but no promises or commitment is made beyond the base specification. -
commits that each item MUST include aguid
element, as well as meeting the base requirements for an RSSitem
. -
commits that each item, either inside itsdescription
tag, or via an extension such ascontent:encoded
, includes the full content of the items it includes, suitable for independent rendering by any client capable also of resolving references to linked media externally. No limitation is placed on whether the full content is placed in adescription
element, incontent:encoded
, or in some other extension. -
by embedding attachments to subsidiary media inside the RSS document. Subsidiary media does not include all potential links, just links which share a prefix with the current RSS document, which by default means all links subsidiary to the parent of the RSS document as specified in anatom:link
More information on this soon when
is defined
The four values represent nested, hierarchical levels of commitment. Ping
commits to nothing more than the spec requires. Media
makes every commitment promised by the prior three levels, and an additional one.
If not specified, no commitment is made, the feed should be considered Ping
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<rss version="2.0" xmlns:iffy="http://tech.interfluidity.com/xml/iffy/" xmlns:atom="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:content="http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/content/">
<title>tech — interfluidity</title>
<atom:link type="application/rss+xml" rel="self" href="https://tech.interfluidity.com/feed/index.rss"/>
<!-- Other channel elements -->
<!-- Other item elements -->
When a subelement of iffy:update
MUST contain a URL, URI, or IRI of a human-reviewable a diff of the current updated and the final minor revision of the update prior (or of the initially published post, if the current update is the first declared update).
See also iffy:update-history
When a subelement of item
Represents a hint to RSS consumers that "push" — announce, rebroadcast, or notify — items whether this item should be so pushed. Consumers are free to ignore this hint or make use of it as they wish.
MUST contain an iffy:policy
element, whose values MUST BE one of
— the item should always be notifiedNever
— the item should never be notifiedPiggyback
— the item should be notified as part of digests or other announcements of multiple items, but should not constitute its own announcement.
MAY contain an iffy:restriction
element, which represents an application-specific restriction over the consumers to which it is addressed. No restrictions are placed on the content of the iffy:restriction
element. Applications can define restrictions as they see fit.
An iffy:hint-announce
element with NO iffy:restriction
or an empty iffy:restriction
tag should be interpreted as the intended default for ALL applications not addressed by an iffy:hint-announce
with a more specific restriction.
Multiple iffy:hint-announce
elements may be placed within a single item
, provided that only one has an omitted or empty iffy:restriction
, and all iffy:hint-announce
elements containing an iffy:restriction
contain a unique restriction. Each iffy:restriction
SHOULD apply to nonoverlapping application-specific contexts. If that is not the case, how applications prioritize or respond to conflicting iffy-hint-announce
elements whose restrictions both apply must be determined by the application.
When a subelement of iffy:update-history
MAY contain a sequence of dc:creator
elements, defining the initial authorship of an item, if authorship has changed. Since the containing item
should always reflect current authorship (that of the most recent revision), but no iffy:update
element is defined for the initially published version, this container is required for completeness.
<!-- Perhaps more recent updates, and the current item, include more authors -->
<dc:creator>First Author, Esq.</dc:creator>
In general, represents a statement of some kind of policy with respect to its containing element, suggested to feed consumers for handling a feed or item.
When a subelement of iffy:hint-announce
Please see iffy:hint-announce
When an item level element
If present in an item, the item contains a sequence of one or more atom:link
elements, each of whose
attribute is MUST BEvia
attribute MUST BE the URL of an RSS feed from which the base contents of this item were drawntype
attribute SHOULD BEapplication/rss+xml
If the item from which the current item was sourced does not contain an iffy:provenance
, then the current item should include just one atom:link
If the item from which the current item was sourced does contains an iffy:provenance
, then the current feed SHOULD include all items of that element, with the URL of the feed from which the item was sourced PREPENDED.
This will ensure the most immediate source will be the first atom:link
element. The origin — or at least the source for which no further provenance is known — will be the last atom:link
Processors may expect a channel level atom:link
element with rel="self"
and type="application/rss+xml"
to use as the basis for provenance in source documents. See RSS Best Practices.
Example (from here):
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<rss version="2.0" xmlns:iffy="http://tech.interfluidity.com/xml/iffy/" xmlns:sy="http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/syndication/" xmlns:slash="http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/slash/" xmlns:atom="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" xmlns:wfw="http://wellformedweb.org/CommentAPI/" xmlns:content="http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/content/" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/">
<title>interfluidity, all blogs</title>
<!-- Other channel elements -->
<atom:link type="application/rss+xml" rel="self" href="https://www.interfluidity.com/unify-rss/all-blogs.rss"/>
<title>Industrial policy and ecosystems</title>
<guid isPermalink="true">https://drafts.interfluidity.com/2024/05/11/industrial-policy-and-ecosystems/index.html</guid>
<author>nospam@dev.null (Steve Randy Waldman)</author>
<!-- Other item elements -->
<atom:link type="application/rss+xml" rel="via" href="https://drafts.interfluidity.com/feed/index.rss"/>
In general, represents an expressin of some kind of restriction over the application of its containing element.
When a subelement of iffy:hint-announce
Please see iffy:hint-announce
MUST contain a URL, URI, or IRI of a either a fixed past revision or the current (potentially evolving) revision of an item.
See also iffy:update-history
This element is intended to mark channels or items that are in some sense "synthetic", rather than, um, hand-made?
Can optionally contain an iffy-type
, and other type-specific subelements.
When a subelement of channel
If all the items in a feed are automatically rather than human generated (however you want to define that), iffy:synthetic
can mark an entire channel as synthetic, bot-produced.
Applications that include iffy:synthetic
as a direct child of channel SHOULD NOT also mark individual item
s as iffy:synthetic
, unless there is some meaningful sense in which some items are more synthetic than others. It serves no purpose to mark every item of a feed iffy:synthetic
when the channel is already so marked.
Known types:
— A synthetic feed announcing updates of a particular logical item from another feed.Elements SHOULD also include an
attribute set torelated
, pointing to the same resource as thelink
element of the item whose updates are being announced.
When a subelement of item
Marks items as "synthetic", that is more synthetic than other, unmarked items in the feed.
Exactly what that means is not defined, but it should be relative to the other items in the feed. If every item in a feed is automatically generated — suppose a weather feed, announcing conditions on the hour — then those items should NOT be marked iffy:synthetic
, because they are the usual for the feed. The channel
as a whole might be marked iffy:synthetic
When iffy:synthetic
is a subelement of item
, it is intended to distinguish more automatic from less automatically produced items. It serves no purpose if it is used to mark all items.
Known types:
— A synethetic item marking an update of an older item in the feed (or that once would have been in the feed)
Example — channel > iffy:synthetic > iffy:type (ItemUpdateFeed)
<!-- other channel elements -->
<atom:link rel="related" href="https://tech.interfluidity.com/xml/iffy/index.html"/>
Example — item > iffy:synthetic > iffy:type (UpdateAnnouncement)
<!-- other item elements -->
In general, marks the "type" of its containing element.
When a subelement of channel
> iffy:synthetic
Marks what kind of synthetic channel its parent is. Currently known values include
— A synthetic feed announcing updates of a particular logical item from another feed.
When a subelement of item
> iffy:synthetic
Marks what kind of synthetic item its parent is. Currently known values include
— A synethetic item marking an update of an older item in the feed (or that once would have been in the feed)
Please see known containing elements, including
When a sub-element of iffy:update-history
MUST contain one atom:updated
MAY also contain one each of
MAY, but usually will not, contain any number of dc:creator
elements, reflecting authorship specific to this revision. By default, an update's authors are the same as the authorship of the containing item, which always reflects the curren revisions authors. If authorship is evolving over time, it SHOULD be specified for every update except the most recent one. Initial authorship may be specified in an iffy:initial
Typo fixes, small rephrasings, and other tweaks are not expected to be recorded as distinct updates. That is, within a "single update" there may be a sequence of smaller revisions that go unrecorded. Applications that want a more forensic history might consider including and exposing every published change in version control.
When an item level element
SHOULD contain a sequence of iffy:update
elements, in reverse chronological order, describing the histories of major revisions to an item.
MAY contain one iffy:initial
Items containing an iffy:update-history
SHOULD also include an atom:updated
tag corresponding to the most recent update.
Typo fixes, small rephrasings, and other minor tweaks are not expected to be recorded as distinct updates. That is, within a "single update" there may be a sequence of smaller revisions that go unrecorded. Applications that want a more forensic history might consider including and exposing every published change in version control.
<!-- Other item elements -->
<![CDATA[Drop <code>iffy:timestamp</code>. We can just reuse <code>atom:updated</code> for the same work.]]>
<atom:summary><![CDATA[Add initial take on tags related to updates and revisions.]]></atom:summary>
<atom:summary><![CDATA[Add JS/CSS so that prior revisions are visually distinct from current.]]></atom:summary>
<![CDATA[Drop tags <code>iffy:when-updated</code> and <code>iffy:original-guid</code>, bad appraoch to updates.]]>